Nowadays life is rich in bytes and codes. Information threads through people, just from website to our minds. That is why websites work and no matter what is your profession or a business. Website can generate clients, promote goodwill among the prospects and customers. Web page delivers strong marketing messages - whether your business is small, large or in-between, well-established or brand-new.
About me
I'm software development engineer with many years of experience, who built many websites as well as big complicated applications and systems. Being all the time in trend of things I deliver high quality product to the client and always on time!

Java & PHP & Node.js
MySQL & PostgreSQL
MongoDB & ElasticSearch & ClickHouse
Redis & RabbitMQ
Spring & Symfony
Docker & Linux & ELK Stack
GIT & CI/CD & Ansible & Jenkins
HTML & CSS & Javascript
Assembla & Jira & Confluence
Have a questions, offers of cooperation?
Feel free to contact me!